
House agrees to let KPK monitor state budget deliberations

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The House of Representatives (DPR) leadership and House faction chiefs have accepted the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK)`s wish to monitor House deliberations on the state budget with the understanding that KPK will have to give prior notice if it wants to attend closed-door House meetings.

The parliament`s consent was given at a meeting between the leaders of both state institutions at the DPR here Tuesday. The meeting was attended by KPK Chairman Antasari Azhar and three of his deputies while the House was represented by Speaker Agung Laksono, House Ethics Council chairman Irsyad Sudiro and his deputy Gayus Lumbuun, House Commision I chairman Theo Sambuaga and party factions leaders.

The meeting was held to follow up on the KPK`s letter proposing that it be allowed to monitor House commission discussions on state budgets. The KPK needed to know the House`s mechanism in discussing state budgets so that it could anticipate possible corruption in the allocation of state budget funds for government ministries or agencies.

Laksono told the press after the meeting, the KPK was welcome to attend House commission meetings to deliberate the state budget but should give prior notice if it wanted to sit in closed-door meetings. The condition was "just an administrative requirement" and not meant as a hindrance to the KPK`s presence at House meetings, he said.

A number of House members were arrested by KPK over the past few months as suspects in corruption and gratificaition cases.(*)

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