
The Bali Art Festival 2008

The Bali Arts Festival is a full month of daily performances, handicraft exhibitions and other related cultural and commercial activities during which literally the whole of Bali comes to the city to present its offerings of dance, music and beauty. On display are trances from remote mountain slopes, forgotten or recently revived village dances, food and offering contests, classical palace dances, stars of Balinese stage, odd musical performances, "kreasi baru" (new creations) from the dance schools of Denpasar, as well as contemporary choreography and dance companies from other islands and from abroad.

It is a month long revelry that perhaps no other place in the world can put up on such a low budget as the Balinese. Not only is their traditional culture alive and well, but they have a tremendous pride in it.

It begins in the villages, where the seka or cultural groups are selected and organized at the regency level, vie with each other to perform the Arts Festival and thus display in front of a large audience the uniqueness of their village of birth and resting place of their ancestors.

The Bali Arts Festival is the Denpasar cultural event of the year, perhaps it would no be too far fetched to suggest that it is the cultural event of Indonesia. The festival is thus a unique opportunity to see local village culture both "live" and at first hand. Tourists are warmly welcomed.

The History of the Bali Arts Festival

When tourism took off after 1965, the Balinese insisted that it followed cultural guidelines: if tourism was to be accepted, it was to be a cultural tourism, or "pariwisata budaya".

As the Balinese put it: "Tourism should be for Bali instead of Bali for tourism." In time, this idea become national policy, as part of a larger revping of regional cultures for national purposes. The policy owes much to the former Director General of Culture (1968-1978) and Governor of Bali (1978-1988), Ida Bagus Mantra, an Indian-educed Balinese. It led, on the one side, to the creation of enclave resorts such as Nusa Dua to limit the direct impact of tourism, and on the other, to a long haul cultural policy aimed at nurturing and preserving the traditional agrarian culture while adapting it to the demands of modernity, and in particular of "cultural tourism".

At the village level, local music groups, dances and other cultural events were inventoried, then supported by a series of contests at the district and regency level. The ensuing competition energized the cultural life of villages, whose "young blood" was already being drained to the city by the process of economic change and urbanization.

Schools of dance and art were created, in particular the Kokar conservatory and the STSI School of Dance and Music. Beside research, these schools replaced the traditional master/disciple relationship by modern methods of teaching; standardized the dance movements, produced new types of Balinese dances for tourism and modern village entertainment. Most important, it enabled former students to return to the villages as teachers, where they diffused, beside the creed of cultural resilience and renewal, new dances and standardized versions of old ones.

Many of the performances are held at the amphitheater which can hold up to 6,000 spectators, in a temple-like stage.

Each year, the Bali Arts Festival, beside the fed classical dances of the island, such as the legong, gambuh, kecak, barong, baris, mask dances and the like, is based on the theme around which new "dance choreography" is produced and old village dances and activities revived. Over the years, the whole range of classical Balinese stories - Ramayana, Mahabharata, Sutasoma, Panji - have thus been turned into "colossal" Sendratari Ballets.

The main challenge to the Arts Festival is obviously economic in nature. As village life is increasingly feeling the strains of monetary considerations, dancers, musicians and others cannot be expected to continue participating simply for the sake and the pleasure of it. As costs soar, new sources of financing have to be found. The obvious answer is the private sector and in particular the tourism industry. The greater task then is to convince the hotels, travel agencies and tourist guides to be more participatory in the Arts Festival rather than to their own sponsored events.

Considering the pride the Balinese have in their culture, and the adaptability and dynism they have always demonstrated, this little hurdle can be overcome. Trust the Balinese. They will eventually succeed to transform their tradition into a modern, Balinese culture of their

2008 Program - Layout of Art Centre

Saturday, June 14 2008
Activity : Opening Parade Of The 30th Bali Arts Festival 2008
Time : 15.00
Place : Renon Square Denpasar

Activity : Opening Ceremony Of The 30th Bali Arts Festival 2008 Presenting Colossal Exhibition Dance
Time : 19.00
Place : Open Stage Ardha Candra

Sunday, June 15 2008
Activity : Flowers & Coconut Leaves Arrangement Festival
Time : 10.00
Place : Ksirarnawa Building

Activity : Genggong / Gong Suling Performance from the Province
Time : 12.00
Place : Ayodya Stage

Activity : Cak Creation Sanggar Miniarthi from Karangasem Regency.
Time : 18.30
Place : Open Stage Ksirarnawa

Activity : Arts Present Unique Dance from Badung Regency.
Time : 20.00
Place : Kriya Building

Activity : Korean JEJU Arts Festival
Time : 20.00
Place : Open Stage Ardha Candra

nday, June 16 2008
Activity : Performance Arts from Province I
Time : 10.00
Place : Wantilan Stage

Activity : Social Dance From Badung Regency
Time : 12.00
Place : Angsoka Stage

Activity : Performance Arts from Province II
Time : 20.00
Place : Wantilan Stage

Activity : Gong Kebyar Parade in era year 1960 - 1980
Time : 20.00
Place : Open Stage Ardha Candra

day, June 17 2008
Activity : Kerawitan Arts from Badung Regency
Time : 10.00
Place : Angsoka Stage

Activity : Cak Creation Parade by Sekaa Teja Mekar from Tejakula Village Buleleng Regency
Time : 18.30
Place : Open Stage Ksirarnawa

Activity : Creation Arts From Badung Regency
Time : 20.00
Place : Wantilan Stage

Activity : Gong Kebyar Parade in era year 1960 - 1980
Time : 20.00
Place : Open Stage Ardha Candra

day, June 18 2008
Activity : Angklung Kebyar Parade
Time : 12.00
Place : Wantilan Stage

Activity : Performance Arts from Denpasar City
Time : 20.00
Place : Kriya Building

Activity : Youth Gong Kebyar in era year 1960-1980
Time : 20.00
Place : Open Stage Ardha Candra

day, June 19 2008
Activity : Kerawitan Arts From Denpasar City
Time : 10.00
Place : Angsoka Stage

Activity : Performance Arts from Province
Time : 12.00
Place : Open Stage Ardha Chandra

Activity : Cak Creation from Badung Regency
Time : 18.30
Place : Open Stage Ksirarnawa

Activity : Pengembangan Macepat Geguntangan Arts Presented by Panca Karya Sunari Gading Sawe Dauh Waru from Jembrana Regency
Time : 20.00
Place : Wantilan Stage

Activity : Dance and Drama Performance follow with Baleganjur
Time : 20.00
Place : Open Stage Ardha Candra

Friday, June 20 200
Activity : Performance Arts from Province III
Time : 10.00
Place : Angsoka Stage

Activity : Social Arts Performance from Denpasar City
Time : 12.00
Place : Ayodya Stage

Activity : Dance and Drama Performance follow with Baleganjur
Time : 20.00
Place : Open Stage Ardha Candra

Activity : Tradition Music Jegog presented by Tirta Amerta Jati Banyubiru Jembrana Regency
Time : 20.00
Place : Kriya Building

Activity : University of Illinois School of Music East/West Ensemble (gamelan and jazz quartet)
Time : 20.00
Place : Ksirarnawa Building

Saturday, June 21 200
Activity : Ngelawang Parade
Time : 10.00
Place : Kriya Building

Activity : Utsawa Darma Githa
Time : 15.00
Place : Wantilan Stage

Activity : Cak Creation from Tabanan Regency
Time : 18.30
Place : Angsoka Stage

Activity : Mask Dance by Sekaa Gong Bangun Lemah Kawan Susut from Bangli Regency
Time : 20.00
Place : Wantilan Stage

Activity : Competition Jegeg Bagus Bali
Time : 20.00
Place : Open Stage Ardha Candra

Activity : Asia Dance Music Festival by ICCR India
Time : 20.00
Place : Ksirarnawa Stage

Sunday, June 22 200
Activity : Food Contest
Time : 10.00
Place : Ksirarnawa Building

Activity : Angklung Kebyar Parade
Time : 12.00
Place : Wantilan Stage

Activity : Traditional Arts from Tabanan Regency
Time : 20.00
Place : Kriya Building

Activity : Arts Collaboration and Ethnics from Bona Alit
Time : 20.00
Place : Open Stage Ardha Candra

Activity : Asia Dance Music Festival, Jusei's Arts from Japan
Time : 20.00
Place : Open Stage Ksirarnawa

day, June 23 2008
Activity : Classic Music Gong Degdong Panca Yadnya from Mendoyo Village Dauh Tukad
Time : 10.00
Place : Angsoka Stage

Activity : Joged Bumbung Social Dance Performance by Kumara Sari From Candi Kusuma Village Jembrana Regency
Time : 12.00
Place : Ayodya Stage

Activity : Children Creation Dance and Drama
Time : 20.00
Place : Wantilan Stage

Activity : Gong Kebyar Parade in era year 1960 - 1980
Time : 20.00
Place : Open Stage Ardha Candra

Activity : Asia Dance Music Festival from Thaliand
Time : 20.00
Place : Ksirarnawa Building

Tuesday, June 24 200
Activity : Gong Traditional Arts presented by Tangkas village Klungkung Regency
Time : 10.00
Place : Angsoka Stage

Activity : Dance Drama presented by Tunas Mekar From Buleleng Regency
Time : 20.00
Place : Kriya Building

Activity : Youth Gong Kebyar Parade in era year 1960-1980
Time : 20.00
Place : Open Stage Ardha Candra

Activity : Asia Dance Music Festival from Jakarta
Time : 20.00
Place : Ksrirarnawa Building

Wednesday, June 25 200
Activity : Woman's Angklung Kebyar Parade presented by Guna Suara Gummrih Pekutatan village Jembrana Regency
Time : 10.00
Place : Wantilan Stage

Activity : Balinese Pop Song Parade
Time : 19.00
Place : Open Stage Ardha Candra

Activity : Creation from Tabanan Regency
Time : 20.00
Place : Wantilan Stage

Activity : Asia Dance Music Festival from Bali
Time : 20.00
Place : Ksirarnawa Building

Thursday, June 26 200
Activity : Social Arts from Gianyar Regency
Time : 12.00
Place : Ayodya Stage

Activity : Pop Song Parade
Time : 19.00
Place : Open Stage Ksirarnawa Building

Activity : Social Dance Arja Classic
Time : 20.00
Place : Wantilan Stage

Activity : Asia Dance Music Festival from Apsara Singapore
Time : 20.00
Place : Ksirarnawa Building

Friday, June 27 200
Activity : Handicraft Competition
Time : 10.00
Place : Wantilan Stage

Activity : Social Arts from Tabanan Regency
Time : 12.00
Place : Ayodya Stage

Activity : Cak Creation from Denpasar City
Time : 18.30
Place : Open Stage Ksirarnawa

Activity : Dance Drama presented by Youth Group IHDV Denpasar
Time : 20.00
Place : Ayodya Stage

Activity : Woman's Gong Kebyar Parade
Time : 20.00
Place : Open Stage Ardha Candra

Saturday, June 28 200
Activity : Ngelawang Parade
Time : 10.00
Place : Kriya Building

Activity : Kerawitan Arts from Tabanan Regency
Time : 12.00
Place : Angsoka Stage

Activity : Creation Arts from Gianyar Regency
Time : 20.00
Place : Ayodya Stage

Activity : Woman's Gong Kebyar Parade
Time : 20.00
Place : Open Stage Ardha Candra

Activity : Keroncong Festival around the Indonesia
Time : 20.00
Place : Ksirarnawa Building

Sunday, June 29 200
Activity : Children Fashion Show
Time : 10.00
Place : Ksirarnawa Building

Activity : Performance by Sanggar Wira Kencana from Jakarta
Time : 10.00
Place : Wantilan Stage

Activity : Youth Fashion Show
Time : 15.00
Place : Ksirarnawa Building

Activity : Cak Creation from Gianyar Regency
Time : 18.00
Place : Open Stage Ksirarnawa

Activity : Arja Classic Innovation
Time : 20.00
Place : Wantilan Stage

Activity : Opera by Salju Group around Bali
Time : 20.00
Place : Open Stage Ardha Candra

Monday, June 30 200
Activity : Arts From Province 4
Time : 10.00
Place : Ratna Kanda Stage

Activity : Anglung Parade Social Dance Performance
Time : 12.00
Place : Wantilan Stage

Activity : Gandrung presented by Suagotra Budaya Abang Songan village from Bangli Regency
Time : 20.00
Place : Kriya Building

Activity : Performance Arts from Old Generation
Time : 20.00
Place : Ksirarnawa Building

Activity : Woman's Gong Kebyar Parade
Time : 20.00
Place : Open Stage Ardha Candra

Tuesday, July 01 200
Activity : Kerawitan Arts from Gianyar Regency
Time : 10.00
Place : Angsoka Stage

Activity : Puppet Shadow Paksabali Dawan village Bangli Regency
Time : 20.00
Place : Wantilan Stage

Activity : Woman's Gong Kebyar Parade
Time : 20.00
Place : Open Stage Ardha Candra

Activity : Puppet Shadow International Festival from America
Time : 20.00
Place : Ksirarnawa Building

Wednesday, July 02 200
Activity : Arts Performance Province 5
Time : 10.00
Place : Angsoka Stage

Activity : Angklung Kebyar Parade
Time : 12.00
Place : Wantilan Stage

Activity : Collaboration Arts presented by Sanggar Tedung Bang from Bangli Regency
Time : 20.00
Place : Wantilan Stage

Activity : Woman's Gong Kebyar Parade
Time : 20.00
Place : Open Stage Ardha Candra

Activity : Puppet Shadow International Festival from New Zealand
Time : 20.00
Place : Ksirarnawa Building

Thursday, July 03 200
Activity : Selonding Pancak Saron presented by Br. Pendia Tembuku Bangli Regency
Time : 10.00
Place : Angsoka Stage

Activity : Social Arts presented by Sanggar Premandini Kubu Bangli Regency
Time : 12.00
Place : Ayodya Stage

Activity : Social Arts called Menyama Braya Music and Dance by Ethnics Saddha Wiangun Pamutera Village Buleleng Regency
Time : 20.00
Place : Wantilan Stage

Activity : Children's Gong Kebyar Parade
Time : 20.00
Place : Open Stage Ardha Candra

Activity : Puppet Shadow International Festival from Java
Time : 20.00
Place : Ksirarnawa Building

Friday, July 04 200
Activity : Balinese Sacred Literary Reading Contest
Time : 10.00
Place : Angsoka, Ratna Kanda, Ksirarnawa, Ayodya and Wantilan Stage

Activity : Creation Arts and Dance from Denpasar City
Time : 20.00
Place : Wantilan Stage

Activity : Children's Gong Kebyar Parade
Time : 20.00
Place : Open Stage Ardha Candra

Activity : Puppet Shadow International Festival from Bali
Time : 20.00
Place : Ksirarnawa Building

Saturday, July 05 200
Activity : Performance Arts Province 6
Time : 10.00
Place : Ratna Kanda

Activity : Gandrung Performance presented by Sekaa Gandrung Br. Pande Klungkung Regency
Time : 12.00
Place : Ayodya Stage

Activity : Telek Lepang Dance from Adat Lepang Village, Klungkung Regency
Time : 20.00
Place : Wantilan Stage

Activity : Dance and Drama era 1980 Reunion
Time : 18.00
Place : Open Stage Ardha Candra

Activity : Performance from Department of Traditional Music Taipei National University of The Arts
Time : 20.00
Place : Ksirarnawa Building

Sunday, July 06 200
Activity : Paintings Competition
Time : 10.00
Place : Kriya Front Building

Activity : Kerawitan and Dance presented by Sekolah Santa Laurensia Serpong Tanggerang Banten
Time : 10.00
Place : Wantilan Stage

Activity : Calonarang Dance Province
Time : 20.00
Place : Ayodya Stage

Activity : Collaboration Manik Kasanti from Mr I Wayan Sinti
Time : 20.00
Place : Ksirarnawa Building

Activity : Student Parade around Java and Bali
Time : 20.00
Place : Open Stage Ardha Candra

Monday, July 07 200
Activity : Performance Arts Province 7
Time : 10.00
Place : Angsoka Stage

Activity : Angklung Kebyar Parade
Time : 12.00
Place : Wantilan Stage

Activity : Jegog Collaboration presented by Yudistira Sound Factory from Jembrana Regency
Time : 19.00
Place : Kertya front Building

Activity : Music and Song presented by EIwaw Foundation Nijmegen - Holland
Time : 20.00
Place : Ksirarnawa Building

Activity : Children's Gong Kebyar Parade
Time : 20.00
Place : Open Stage Ardha Candra

Activity : Youth Gong Kebyar Competation
Time : 20.00
Place : Ksirarnawa Building

Tuesday, July 08 200
Activity : Children Performing Arts
Time : 10.00
Place : Ratna Kanda Stage

Activity : Balinese Sacred Literary Reading Contest from Buleleng Regency
Time : 12.00
Place : Angsoka Stage

Activity : Children's Gong Kebyar Parade
Time : 20.00
Place : Open Stage Ardha Candra

Activity : Participations from Korea presented by Kubayashi
Time : 20.00
Place : Ksirarnawa Building

Activity : Traditional Creation Dance Festival from Mitra Praja Utama (MPU)
Time : 20.00
Place : Wantilan Stage

Wednesday, July 09 200
Activity : Dance and Drama presented by Nyoman Cerita
Time : 10.00
Place : Ratna Kanda Stage

Activity : Mask Dance Province
Time : 12.00
Place : Wantilan Stage

Activity : Performance from Sanggar Tari Basundari Ami Hasegawa
Time : 19.00
Place : Wantilan Stage

Activity : Children's Gong Kebyar
Time : 20.00
Place : Open Stage Ardha Candra

Activity : Traditional Creation Dance Festival from Mitra Praja Utama (MPU)
Time : 20.00
Place : Open Stage Ksirarnawa

Thursday, July 10 200
Activity : Kerawitan Arts Gambang and Ngoncang presented by Sekaa Rindik Classic Lega Sawitra Suwung Village Buleleng Regency
Time : 10.00
Place : Angsoka Stage

Activity : Performance Arts Province 8
Time : 12.00
Place : Wantilan Stage

Activity : Traditional Arts from Gianyar Retency
Time : 20.00
Place : Kriya front Building

Activity : Pop Song presented by Pramusti Bali
Time : 20.00
Place : Open Stage Ardha Candra

Friday, July 11 200
Activity : Creation Dance presented by Sanggar Gita Mahardika Sukawati Gianyar Regency
Time : 10.00
Place : Wantilan Stage

Activity : Joged Bumbung Social Dance Performance Presented by Sekaa Werdhi Budaya Ambengan Village Buleleng Regency
Time : 12.00
Place : Wantilan Stage

Activity : Music Contemporer and Traditional Gending Gending Rare presented by Sanggar Geebo Ethnic
Time : 20.00
Place : Ksirarnawa Building

Activity : Performance Arts presented by Yayasan Tri Pusaka Sakti Batuan Sukawati Gianyar Regency
Time : 20.00
Place : Open Stage Ardha Candra

Saturday, July 12 200
Activity : Performance Arts Province 9
Time : 12.00
Place : Wantilan Stage

Activity : Closing Ceremony For The 30th Bali Arts Festival 2008 and Colossal Dance Drama from Bali.
Time : 20.00
Place : Open Stage Ardha Candra

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