Rachmat, who is also President of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), saying that developed countries seemed reluctant to adhere to the agreement.
As regards developing countries, they are obliged to be environmentally friendly in their activities.
However, during the two meetings in Bangkok and Bonn in March and June to discuss the follow up to the Bali conference, developed countries displayed reluctance.
The Bali Roadmap allows for the next conference to be held in 2009 and it is hoped that a new climate change protocol can be made to replace the Kyoto protocol that will end in 2012.
Rachmat explained that in informal meetings it has been agreed to use the Bali Roadmap as a foundation for the work framework process for after 2012.
He said that developed countries were also reluctant to determine 25-year mid-term goals.
They have only decided on 50-year long-term goals in reducing emission.
“A target should be realistic. In 50 years, these people will be no longer here,” said Racmat.
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