
European Union Evaluated Travel Ban on Indonesian Airlines

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta: Transportation minister Jusman Syafii Djamal has said he appreciated the evaluation conducted by the European Union over the travel ban against Indonesian airlines flying to Europe.

“They want to listen to our explanation,” he said today (14/7).The evaluation was attended by 27 country members on July 9-11. For reasons of safety, Europe issued travel bans against several countries including Indonesia.

According to Jusman, the commission not only gave opportunities to the Directorate General of Air Transportation and also to four representatives from national airlines including Garuda Indonesia, Mandala Airlines, Premi Air, and Airfast, to make presentations regarding efforts for improving flight safety in Indonesia.

“This is a positive sign,” said Jusman. However, he said he was still unsure if Europe will stop the travel ban. “They will decide this in two or three days.”

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