
Some 259 expatriates working in West Nusa Tenggara

Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (ANTARA News) - A total of 259 expatriates are currently living and working in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) province, a local manpower official said.

The number breaks down into 237 males and 22 females, the head of NTB`s provincial manpower office, Imbang Syahruddin, said here Thursday.

About the foreigners` countries of origin, he said they came from the United States, Australia, Germany, Japan, France, New Zealand, and Africa.

In terms of field of work, he said 23 were employed in the farming sector, 143 in the mining industry, 25 in the construction sector, one in general industry, 34 in trade, 2 in accountancy, 32 in the services sector and one in the financial sector.

Most of the foreigners working in the mining sector were hired by PT Newmount Nusa Tenggara (NNT) whose gold mines are situated in Batu Hijau, Sumbawa Barat District.

Syahruddin said the number of foreign workers in NTB was nothing compared to the thousands of NTB people who were making a living as migrant workers in foreign countries.

He said in 2007 alone NTB had sent 35,605 migrant workers to many countries. The figure for 2008 was expected to be higher.

The numbers of migrant workers NTB had sent to different foreign countries was as follows : 21,905 to Malaysia, 13,389 to Saudi Arabia, 65 to Kuwait, 152 to Jordan, 17 to Taiwan, and 77 to the United Arab Emirates (UAE). (*)


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