
Hendarman hopes execution of Bali bombers before Ramadhan

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Attorney General Hendarman Supandji hoped that the execution of Bali bombing death row convicts Amrozy et al be carried out before the Muslim fasting month of Ramadhan.

"I hope the execution is carried out before the Ramadhan holy month," the attorney general said here on Monday.

Hendarman Supandji admitted that he had just received information that Amrozi`s third application for a judicial review had been turned down.

He said the rejection has been submitted to the Denpasar District Court but it has yet to be received by the Denpasar high prosecution office.

"If it has been received by the high prosecution office, it would of course be passed on to the Attorney General`s Office to obtain a permission for the execution," Hendarman said.

However, he said that juridically the execution should have already been carried out because Amrozy did not want to ask for a Presidential clemency.

It means legal efforts to avoid the firing squad are finished, and the execution could be carried out at any time, he said.

"It is my hope that the execution can be carried out before the fasting month," the attorney general said.(*)


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